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Design Challenge  |  1 week  |  Sep 2021 


Weee! is the largest and fastest-growing Asian e-grocer in the United States, operating in one of the largest underserved categories in retail with affordable access to exciting ethnic food. weee are re-targeting our users from Asian American to all American. (everyone, including Asian, Hispanic, and more)


Weee has recently updated a new feature in the App, Community Curation.
Unfortunately, 80% of the users never notice the new feature, because it is not part of the necessary flow for shopping at Weee. Community Curation is almost invisible in the current UX flow, especially for existing users.  


Introducing the Community Curation in the onboarding process to first-time 
and existing users. And acquire traffic from daily grocery shopping customers to Community Curation, and cultivate user habits.

My Role

Research (Primary + Secondary), Synthesis, Ideation, Wireframing, Visual Design, Prototyping,
User-testing, Storyboard, Illustration design, Presentation 


Sukmoon Chang - Head of design at Weee


Figma, Miro, Google Forms, Keynote, Adobe creative suite (Photoshop, illstrIllustrator) 

How Might We 

How might we introduce Community Curation remarkable (Method) to captivate shoppers to drive in Community Curation traffic (Approach) to browse and perchase more products (Goal)

Key Features


Introducing our new feature to our costumer 

1. Onboarding

I redesigned all 4 of the onboarding page illustrations and creatd a brand new community page. It helps the first time and existing users to discover this new feature in advance.


First impressions are significant

2. Launch Screen

The launch screen helps users get some idea of what the app is about. The illustrated vegetables show the main business scope(grocery) of Weee. The color palette is based on the logo and used throughout the design. The new launch screen provides a smooth transition to the onboarding process as well as the homepage.

Group 82.png

A virtual window display targeted enough to entice the right shoppers

3. Homepage Dynamic Banner

The gallery automatically changes in order to adapt content and promotions specifically to each user, ensuring that each user is exposed to the most effective creative for him or her.

It also directs the user to the new community feature. This function attracts more traffic with intriguing images. It shows the top selection of the review posts. 

Group 101.png

Visually see that story, showcase and experience.

4. Community to Product Detail

After being attracted by the gallery, I try to create a fast and smooth flow for adding goods to the shopping cart. It can effectively reduce the risk of losing that sale.

The "items" buttons lead to purchase options. It is showing that there are 3 items on the list. The user clicks the items button, it shows related products that are available on Weee. 



Group 102.png

" Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

-Bill gates

I selected the members about their user experience of Weee in a cooking group then continued the interview individually with the users with strong pain points. I interviewed 5 people in total. They came from different cultures, 3 of them are Chinese and the other 2 are American. 

I specifically pay attention to user flows. It makes me understand how the user will navigate through the app to achieve their goal.

Weee! presentation.001.png

Synthesis & Analysis



Synthesis & Analysis

Task Flow


Community Curation is not a part of the user's shopping flow

I created Task flow to map out 5 interviewees' user flow. It helped me to see the steps that my interviewees would take to get to their usual goal. Five different colors represent 5 interviewees. The dotted line is the flow to the community feature. I realized that 80% of the users updated the app and went through the onboarding process. However, they still don’t know about community curation. Especially for existing users. This new feature is almost invisible.

Synthesis & Analysis



"Nobody cares about the thing you're designed unless you can get them past the beginning"
-PM Facebook

AARRR is a popular framework that helps me understand consumers better. It's also known as Pirate Metrics. The framework will help me measure my funnel and optimize it correctly. 

The acquisition inspires me to think deeper about how Weee’s customers reach the new feature. How am I planning to get more visits? It is just like a window display’s meaning for a retail store. While great products and excellent customer service can keep customers coming back, the visuals are going to be the elements that get people to walk into the shop in the first place. Same with Weee’s community curation features, which is why I should take the steps to make it grab existing users’ attention.

Problem Reframed

Customer trust review more than an ad

Currently, Weee’s only way to promote the new feature is a banner ad, which is difficult to find. I have discussed this problem with the supervisor, but the answer is that the decision-making power of advertising is in the hands of the advertising department. But just imagine, even if I push the community ad order forward, is it really going to change?

I have heard many complaints about advertising from my research. This even resulted in banner blindness. It is also named ad blindness, the phenomenon that occurs when people ignore or avoid banner ads. This happens because they often feel a sense of annoyance for the page.


But after I introduced the new Community feature to people. It turns out people like to see other customers’ honest reviews. Studies on the human psyche show that when you see a product on other people, it serves as "social proof" for the product - a term first comes by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 Book.

Insight & User Quote



Weee is re-targeting the users from Asian American to all American. (everyone, include Asian, Hispanic, and more)

Meeting with Joy Who really enjoy Asian culture.


Potential Solutions


Solution A Onboarding

A brand new page introduction enables first-time and existing users to
discover new Community Curation in advance.

Solution B  Community highlight gallery

The gallery could direct the user to the new community feature. The Intriguing images create a perfect lifestyle that people want to try.

Solution C  Product tour

Explain how to use the Community feature, let customers know where it is located.


Solution D E-mail announcement

Craft one-off announcements and continuous drip campaigns that help reactivate churning users who aren’t engaging in-app.

Solution E  Push notification 

Remind users of our new update feature, lead people back into the app to explore. 


Potential Solutions



Yes for A and B

Why A & B

Solution A: Onboarding is able to introduce and promote new Community features for both existing and first-time users. As a materials Designer, I am able to create appealing onboarding illustrations for our target audience.

Solution B: Community Gallery is easy to catch more attention and created multipath to nudge people to Community. The impact can be measured through CTR.

No for C,D and E

Why Not C, D and E

Solution C: Product tour is a brand new feature and slows down the shopping process for the existing users.

Solution D: E-mail announcement is unable to receive by Weee's most existing users. Weee uses a Wechat base sign-up system. We don't have the email address of our users.

Solution E: Push Notification is a feature outside the app. And the duty belongs to the advertising department. 

Evaluation A


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1. Catch people's attention to nudge users to the new features.

2. Short copy, clear visuals, and contextual tooltips as fallbacks to catch users with different attention spans.

3, New feature announcement was ably delivered to users.


1. Extra one page may slow down the shopping process. Users are able to directly sign in or start their shopping journey immediately.

Delicate lady


Home Chef

Evaluation B


Version 1



1. Catch people's attention, nudge users to the new features.

2. Created multipath, lead the user to check out Community.

3. A clear title reminds the user where it's linked to.


1. Selected pictures can't attract all users.

2. The amount of pictures is small. It reduces the probability of being attracted.

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New Solution

1. Masonry layout is able to use the first image to catch attention and then lead users to see more. 

2. Dynamic gallery automatically changes, in order to adapt content and promotions specifically to each user.

Version 2

User Flow


user flow.png

Story board


Storyboard 1.001.jpeg
Storyboard 2.001.jpeg

Success Metric


“ I missed so much,
but not anymore”
 —Li (Weee's existing user)

1. Improved CTR to 80%
   4 out of 5 people clicked into the Community tab.
2. Boosts retention
   3 out of 5 people remember the intro from the onboarding process.
3. Hooked on a feature
   4 out of 5 people would love to use the community feature. 

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